OLLA Junior French: Science, History & more


Les Cloches de Pâques

In the UK, we say that the Easter Bunny delivers chocolate to children. In France, Easter treats are delivered in a different way. Click the video to find out more. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this video for you here.


Why was the Eiffel Tower built?

The Eiffel Tower is one of the most iconic monuments in the world. Find out why and how it was built by watching this video. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this video for you here.


Quelle histoire: Molière

Molière is one of the great French playwrights, known for his comedies which are still performed today. Click the link to find out more about his life. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this video for you here.


Jamy: Top 5 Most Dangerous Animals

Jamy is a well-known TV presenter for French-speaking children. Here, he discusses the most dangerous animals in the world. Click to find out more – are they the animals you expect? We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this video for you here.


Jamy: Is a world without plastic possible?

Is it possible to have a world without plastic? Jamy discusses the problems with plastic and how they might be overcome. Click to find out more. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this video for you here.


What is the Greenhouse Effect?

You’ve no doubt heard of the Greenhouse Effect, but is it a good or a bad thing? Click to find out more. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this video for you here.


Are gases from our breath bad for the environment?

For those of you worried about the impact humans are having on the environment, this clip explains how, when all is working well, plants and animals can live in harmony. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this video for you here.


What are dreams for?

Why do we dream when we sleep? Scientists do not yet have a definitive reason. Click on the link to discover some theories about this topic. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this video for you here.


Addiction aux écrans

If you’re reading this, you’re looking at a screen. But when does screentime start to become a problem, and how important is it for people to be aware? Click to find out. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this video for you here.

Want more? Check out these websites to find more French resources about Science, history & more.