Developing effective reading skills in learners
On this page you can download all the reading materials which were disseminated at the PDC in MFL workshops in Summer 2012. To watch the video clips showing the implementation of the Principle for reading skills click here. You will find other useful resources sent in to us by teachers here.
The research based principle relating to the development of reading skills is:
Principle 5 Learners need to be taught how to access a greater range of more challenging spoken and written texts, through explicit instruction in comprehension strategies and in the relationship between the written and spoken forms.
In this document are suggestions for activities to do with students to develop their decoding skills and strategies for approaching a text.
Download the reading and decoding guidelines and materials here
Le Dragon Toxique is one of the more challenging reading texts featured in the video clips that were shown at the workshops. The text of the article and link to a You Tube clip can be found in the decoding and reading strategy materials further up this page. Below you can download further materials – a reading strategy checklist and a student work sample used by MFL teacher Jenny Ramsdale at Bartholomew School in Eynsham, Oxfordshire.
Download further materials for Le Dragon Toxique here