OLLA Junior French: Music
The Modern Olympics were revived by Frenchman, Pierre de Coubertin, and were most recently held in Paris. This song gives the symbols and values of the Olympic Games. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this video for you here.
Have you ever been fed up with being told what to do? Listen to French singer, Angelina, list all the things her mother expects of her in this song. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this video for you here.
Les petits poissons dans l’eau – 20min de Comptines de Méli et Touni – YouTube
A French nursery rhyme teaching us that, though some fish are small, they can swim just as well as the big fish. One to listen to on 1st April when celebrating ‘Poisson d’avril’. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this video, which you can find here.
Ah! les Crocodiles is a famous children’s song about a crocodile who wants to go to war with elephants on the Nile. But what will he do if the elephants fight back? Click on the song to find out. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this video for you here.
Yannick Noah – Aux arbres citoyens (Clip officiel)
Yannick Noah is a famous French tennis player turned singer. Here, he uses a play on words from the French national anthem. Instead of Aux armes citoyens! (gather your weapons), he tells us Aux arbres! or Save the trees! Listen to Noah’s battle cry to save the environment and see what you think. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this video for you here.
Un kilomètre à pied, ça use les souliers.
Un kilomètre à pied is a popular French marching rhyme. It can be sung during a long walk with family, friends or walking home from school! We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this video for you here.
This is a popular French rhyme that starts off quite sensibly and ends up being very silly. It’s about the best way to plant cabbages. Each body part that is mentioned needs to touch the floor as you sing it, as though you’re planting cabbages in the ground. That’s okay when it’s your foot, less easy when it’s your nose! We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this video for you here.
Listen to a well-known nursery rhyme that describes how to make a ‘galette’. This is a cake eaten on 6th January to celebrate Kings’ Day, or La Fête des Rois. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this video for you here.
French colors – Couleurs – Arc en ciel by alain le lait
Alain Le Lait creates songs that help children practise their French. This one is about colours. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this video for you here.
J’aime les fruits – alain le lait (I like fruits)
Here is another Alain Le Lait song this time about fruit. Careful, it’s very catchy! We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this video for you here.
Ma famille (Vocabulaire de la famille) – alain le lait
Encore! Another Alain le Lait song. This one is about family. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this video for you here.
Les parties du corps – Des os, il en faut – alain le lait (French body parts)
Alain Le Lait creates songs that help children practise their French. This one is about the body. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this video for you here.
Dans Sa Maison Un Grand Cerf 🦌 Chanson Pour Bébé
You may know the English nursery rhyme ‘In a cottage in the woods’ which is very similar to this French rhyme about a stag who saves a rabbit from the hunter. Have a listen and see if it is familiar. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this video for you here.
A little rhyme in French to help children learn their days of the week. A leader (in this version the emperor), his wife and son come over to congratulate someone. When no one answers, they have to come back the next day, and the next, and the next! Click on the link to spot the days of the week. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this video, which you can find here.
Want more? Check out these websites to find more resources about music.
(JF30) Hey Kids
(JF31) The Voice Kids France
(JF32) Evan and Marco
(JF33) Kids Eurovision France 2024
(JF34) Lorie – Week-end
(JF35) Les Enfantastiques