OLLA Junior French: Stories & poems


Version 1.0.0

Lecture : Bonjour docteur

It’s time to visit the doctor, and everyone is in the waiting room. The doctor treats a crocodile and an elephant first. Next up is a wolf… Find out what happens in this short, illustrated story. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this video for you here.


“La soupe aux frites”

Mim and Crocus don’t like eating soup, so their dad invents his own recipe. Can he convince them to eat it? Read this short, illustrated story to find out. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this video for you here.


L’Oiseau et la Baleine: The Bird and The Whale (with audio)

A bird and a whale fall in love. Everything is perfect. But the world doesn’t stop turning just because a bird and a whale fall in love. Soon they need to fight to stay together. Read along with this story to find out what happens. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this story for you here.


Petit poisson blanc 

The ocean is a very big place and little white fish has lost his mum. Go on a journey through the sea in this illustrated story to find out where she is. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this video for you here.


Lecture du soir : Je m’habille et… je te croque !

The wolf put on his trousers, his T-shirt, his socks, and more. But what is his plan once he’s fully dressed? Careful—he might bite! We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this video for you here.


Mimi vous raconte des histoires – Monsieur bouche à l’envers.

Monsieur Bouche à l’envers cannot understand why he is so alone. When he puts on a mask with a smile painted on, his life begins to change. Read this short story to find out more. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this story for you here.


Léo et Popi – La galette des rois

Léo is a little boy whose emotions are shown through his cuddly toy, Popi. Today is 6th January and Léo is celebrating Kings’ Day. Will his piece of cake contain the favour that will win him the crown? Click the link to find out more. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this video for you here.


Pourquoi? D’Alex Sanders

Alex Sanders has written lots of picturebooks for French children. Here, one of his well-known characters, Lulu, asks his mum question after question, all about the body. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this video for you here.


Les crêpes

The French are known for their delicious crêpes with incredible fillings. However, not everyone has the same tastes. Click the link to discover some pancakes you might not want to eat. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this video for you here.


Lecture de l’histoire : Va t’en, Grand Monstre Vert ! de Ed Emberley

The big green monster in this book slowly appears as each page is turned. How scary will it be? Have a look and see. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this story for you here.



When Mademba leaves his cruel uncle’s house, he has to live a hard life on the streets. But one day a kind man comes and offers him a way to fulfil his dreams. We’ve also put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this story for you here.


Le Chien Errant 

This poor dog is used to his owners being very unkind and they leave him at a bus stop one day never to return. But maybe this will be the start of a happier life for Pschitt…?  We’ve also put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this story for you here.


Les singes et la sécheresse

When a monkey finds a wonderful place full of fruit, he also stumbles across some trouble. Will the two monkey tribes be able to live peacefully together? We’ve also put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this story for you here.

Want more? Check out these websites to find more resources about stories and poems.

(JF80) Monde des petits – Accueil  
(JF81) BookBox French – YouTube
(JF82) Fable Cottage French Fairy Tales 
(JF83) Piknik D’ouille