OLLA: Science, history & more


1 jour, 1 question: C’est quoi le 14 juillet?

Find out why celebrations take place in France on the 14th of July! We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this video for you here.

The 11 students who rated this resource found it…

easy to understand



Designmate: Cycle du jour et de la nuit

Animation film explaining the science behind why we experience day and night here on Earth. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this podcast for you here.

The 9 students who rated this resource found it…

easy to understand



Réseau Canopé: La révolution de la Terre autour du Soleil

Are some days longer than others? Get the answers to this question and more in this animated brief about the Earth’s revolution around the sun. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this article for you here.

The 4 students who rated this resource found it…

easy to understand



Lumni: Le Parlement européen

An article explaining how the European Parliament works. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this article for you here.

This resource did not receive any student ratings yet.



Lumni: Comment ça marche le Web?

Video and written article explaining how the Internet works. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this article for you here.

The 1 student who rated this resource found it…

easy to understand



1 jour, 1 question: C’est qui Malala?

A short, animated video about young Pakistani activist Malala Yousafzai. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this article for you here.

The 7 students who rated this resource found it…

easy to understand



GeoAdo: La fin de la polio en Afrique

Article about the eradication of the disease Polio in Africa. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this article for you here.

The 3 students who rated this resource found it…

easy to understand



1 jour, 1 question: C’est quoi Apollo 11?

Animated short film about Apollo 11, the spaceflight that first landed humans on the Moon. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this article for you here.

The 4 students who rated this resource found it…

easy to understand



Paxi: Le système solaire

Animation by the European Space Agency (ESA) about the solar system. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this article for you here.

The 9 students who rated this resource found it…

easy to understand



Curionautes: Ça sert à quoi, un satellite?

Video and article about satellites from the science magazine Curionautes. You can access the website for free at the moment due to school closures (normally a monthly subscription is needed). We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this article for you here.

The 1 student who rated this resource found it…

easy to understand



National Geographic: Les cénotes, ces portes vers un autre monde

Video about divers who explore caves submerged in water. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this article for you here.

The 2 students who rated this resource found it…

easy to understand



Les Grands Découvreurs: Louis Pasteur

Cartoon about Louis Pasteur, a famous French chemist and microbiologist who made important discoveries for science, including pasteurisation. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this article for you here.

The 5 students who rated this resource found it…

easy to understand



Lumni: Epidémies et pandémies historiques (96)

Do you know the difference between epidemics and pandemics? This article will teach you about the history of both! We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this article for you here.

The 1 student who rated this resource found it…

easy to understand



Choses a savoir: Comment functionne le WiFi dans les avions?

Easy-to-follow podcast (and transcript) explaining how we get WiFi on airplanes. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this article for you here.

The 1 student who rated this resource found it…

easy to understand



TV5Monde: Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King is known for his fight against racism and his “I have a dream…” speech. But what else do you know about his life? We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this article for you here.

The 5 students who rated this resource found it…

easy to understand



1 jour, 1 actu: C’est quoi, un espion?

Coded messages, camouflage, undercover surveillance: spy movies are fun! But are there actually people working as spies? Find out! We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this article for you here.

The 5 students who rated this resource found it…

easy to understand



National Geographic Wildlife: La baleine bleue

Coded messages, camouflage, undercover surveillance: spy movies are fun! But are there actually people working as spies? Find out! We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this article for you here.

The 5 students who rated this resource found it…

easy to understand



Racisme aux USA: Un enjeu electoral?

Mini documentary about the history of race and racism in the USA, following the killing of George Floyd in June 2020. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this article for you here.

The 1 student who rated this resource found it…

easy to understand



Covid-19: une deuxième vague?

Short documentary about Covid 19 and the possibility of a second wave emerging in China. Clearly spoken with French subtitles. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this article for you here.

The 3 students who rated this resource found it…

easy to understand



Corée du Nord: retour aux sources

Mini documentary about the history of North Korea. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this article for you here.

This resource did not receive any student ratings yet.


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Star rating scales by Yasir52.multan, Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0)