OLLA: News & politics


Une vie: Michelle Obama

A short documentary on the life and work of Michelle Obama. Spoken English with easy to follow French subtitles. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this video for you here.

The 8 students who rated this resource found it…

easy to understand


Lumni: L’ONU, Les clés de la république

A short video and transcript about the what the United Nations (L’ONU) does and why it was set up. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this podcast for you here.

The 5 students who rated this resource found it…

easy to understand


The Day News: Kanye West candidat aux élections américaines

News articles about Kanye West’s US political campaign with questions and glossary. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this podcast for you here.

The 17 students who rated this resource found it…

easy to understand


1 jour, 1 actu: Les jeunes font grève pour le climat!

Every Friday, secondary school and university students all over the world demonstrate against climate change and for the future of our planet. This article explains how these young people are mobilizing to save our planet by forcing leaders to fight against global warming. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this podcast for you here.

The 2 students who rated this resource found it…

easy to understand


En 2020, les noirs doivent toujours se battre pour leurs droits

Article about the Black Lives Matter movement in the USA (‘In 2020, black people still have to fight for their rights’). We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this podcast for you here.

The 7 students who rated this resource found it…

easy to understand


1 jour, 1 actu: La colère en Biélorussie

Article about the political protests in Belarus in summer 2020. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this podcast for you here.

The 1 student who rated this resource found it…

easy to understand


Lumni: Les violences policières aux Etats-Unis

Video about police violence in the USA. To see the transcript, click on ‘voir plus’. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this podcast for you here.

The 2 students who rated this resource found it…

easy to understand


Le Monde des Ados: {Affaire- George_Floyd}-Comment se déroule le procès?

Article about the trial of the policeman accused of murdering George Floyd. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this article for you here.

This resource did not receive any student ratings yet.


Le Monde des ados: Pourquoi y-a-t-il une Journée internationale des droits des femmes?

Article about why we have International Women’s Day. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this article for you here.

This resource did not receive any student ratings yet.


ParisMatch: Le bac

News article about how Covid 19 affected the bac (A-level results in France) in 2020. We’ve put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this podcast for you here.

This resource did not receive any student ratings yet.


Lumni: Vouz avez dit fake news?

Short video (with transcript) explaining more about fake news and how it spreads on the internet. Click on ‘voir plus’ to see whole article. We’ve also put together a reference list of important French words and phrases in this podcast for you here.

The 1 student who rated this resource found it…

easy to understand

Want more? Check out these websites to find more resources about news and politics.

If you checked out any of these resources, please take a minute to tell us what you think by filling in our student feedback survey!

Star rating scales by Yasir52.multan, Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0)