OLLA Junior User Guide
Dear students,
Welcome to our list of free, online French, German and Spanish resources for young language learners! We have identified resources which we hope you will find interesting, and which might help you learn French, German or Spanish. We have also tried to make sure that the language they contain is not too difficult. However, don’t worry if you don’t understand all of the text – this is a normal part of learning a language! Just do your best to enjoy the content, and you might pick up some language along the way. And if you do find a particular resource much too difficult, simply close it and try another one.
To help you find things of interest, the list is organized by topic.
Some video resources have subtitles (in French/German/Spanish, English, or both). You might have to turn these on using the ‘closed captions’ button, which will look something like this: Please note that the subtitles are sometimes generated automatically and may contain some errors! If you find a resource particularly difficult, you could try using the English subtitles first and then changing the subtitles to French/German/Spanish when you watch again.
On all of the Youtube videos, you can slow down the speed by clicking on the settings bustton (the one that looks like a cog) on the bottom right of the video, e.g. to 0.75 speed. This can make the video easier to understand.
PLEASE NOTE: We are not responsible for the content of the resources in this list, nor for any other sites which they may contain links to. We provide these links below in good faith as a learning resource. We have checked the resources and to the best of our knowledge, they are appropriate for primary and lower secondary school pupils to access. However, if you come across anything that you consider inappropriate, please let us know immediately by emailing s.j.graham@reading.ac.uk. Also, if you come across any broken links, please let us know about this by emailing the same address.
We hope you enjoy browsing our resources!