If you attended one of the workshops in Reading, Oxford, London, Bristol, Walsall or Nottingham last year, then you may have been using one, a few, or even all the principles in your language classes. If so, we would love to hear how you have been getting on, so that we can evaluate how useful the principles are in practice. All feedback is very welcome – good and bad! Please download the form and return to lucy.beharrell@education.ox.ac.uk
Thank you!
Dear Lucy
I am sorry. I did not attend the workshop but I am very interested to know the details.
In India the classes taken for children with Dyslexia are in English, but the language spoken at home is different. It is also important to know that the children from different culture and speaking different languages(e.g Tamil, Hindi, Telgu..) attend the school. So, at times teaching subject content using study skills can be very difficult for explanation. And now, I am in Kuwait and I do not known Arabic. I teach dyslexic students(arabs) in English.
The above is reason for me to understand more to teach better. I do hope you can send me information on the workshop.
Thank you,
Geetha Devi B
Dear Geetha, thanks for your comment! Unfortunately all the workshops have now already taken place. However, you can find materials from the workshops and information about the PDC project on this blog- just scroll across the headings at the top. I hope this is helpful to you. Best wishes, Heike